Blueberries like acidic soil and it often takes 1-2 years to acidify soil. Since we didn't want to wait that long (and we already had the the plants!), we decided to add a bagged soil intended for acid loving plants. Our soil prep was as follows:
- Clear the plot of land of weeds
- Turn over the top 6-12 inches of native soil to loosen
- Add sulfur amendment per amount specified
- Add 2 cu ft of bark to each row
- Add 2 cu ft of peat moss to each row
- Add 3-4 cu ft of soil for acid loving plants (i.e. azaleas, rhododendrons)
- Mix all amendments with the native soil
The amendments raised the soil level of the rows ~6 inches into small berms. We planted the bushes 3-4 feet apart in the center of the rows. While planting we discovered a couple of blueberries already growing on one plant. My husband ate one and I snapped a photo of the other because the flowers are fruit are being removed from the plants today to encourage plant growth. We decided on a mixture of varieties for a bigger yield and to extend the growing season.
Row 1: Sharpblue(BR) - Blue Ray(#2) - Sharpblue(BR) - Jubilee(#1)
Row 2: Sunshine(#2) - Southmoon(#2) - Jubilee(#1)
After planting, we watered and mulched around the plants and in the walkway between the rows. The planting looks nice and I am looking forward to the day that we will have a crop of blueberries to harvest from our yard.
BR - Bare Root
#1 - 1 gallon container
#2 - 2 gallon container
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